Relaxation & Therapeutic Massage

What is the difference between massage therapy and therapeutic massage?

Massage therapy/relaxation massages are a smooth, gentle treatment that promotes general relaxation, relieves some muscular tension and increases circulation.

Therapeutic massage is a general term which describes any type of massage modality that helps relieve pain, reducing stress, and works on specific problems.

relaxation massage being performed in sheffield

What does Relxation Massage involve?

Relaxation massage is a practice of massage where general relaxation and the relieving of muscle tension is the objective, with the improved blood circulation as a result of the relaxation massage in turn relieving any tension. Only the surface layers of the body are targeted in a relaxation massage, avoiding triggering the deep tissue and thus not a treatment designed to relieve chronic pain or injury. Instead, gentle, smooth and rhythmic strokes are used on the body to not only reduce tension and relax the body but also the mind as well.

What does Therapeutic Massage involve?

The purpose of therapeutic massage is to achieve a result outside of simply relaxing, with a result typically being as the name suggests a therapeutic benefit to the body through the massage of soft tissue. The physical benefits of a therapeutic massage may linger longer than that of a relaxation massage. It is not often that a therapeutic massage will be a full body one as it is designed to focus on only the areas where you may have complaints in order to achieve the desired outcome. It will be important for the massage therapist to understand what part of your body is causing you pain or tightness, how long you’ve had this and whether enough pressure is being applied for you to feel a difference. It’s typical with therapeutic massage for several sessions to be required as the progress of your symptoms are tracked, adjusting the massage on each occasion to best suit your needs.

therapeutic massage being carried out for a client in sheffield

Through the manipulations of the body's soft tissue and muscles, therapeutic massage relieves muscle aches and pains. This practice is often used in sports conditioning, but it can also be beneficial in a variety of other ways. Therapeutic massage can help with the following conditions:

  • Anxiety and stress plague almost all of our lives it seems, with not only work or student stresses but also health and home life troubles. It sometimes seems a never ending struggle, until you try a holistic method of treatment with therapeutic massage being proven to help manage both your stress and anxiety levels, at the very least taking that edge off when you need it.
  • Depression
  • Relaxation
  • A lack of sleep can be caused by a variety of different things, however two of the leading causes are anxiety and stress, which can both be combated with therapeutic massage as mentioned above, in turn leading not only to a better night's sleep, but a more fulfilling one.
  • If you have ever struggled with flexibility or have a new range of motion problem, you can certainly benefit from therapeutic massage to improve the health of your joints.
  • Immune system function
  • Panic disorder
  • Headaches/migraines
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Digestive disorders
  • Relieves muscle aches and pains

Massage therapy involves manipulating the muscles by kneading, rubbing, pressing, or patting different muscle groups. Some of the techniques used include:

  • Effleurage: This involves light or deep strokes intended to help relieve tension and induce relaxation.
  • Petrissage: This technique involves kneading muscles and can be helpful for relieving muscle tightness or spasms.
  • Tapotement: This involves tapping or cupping the skin to create a percussion effect.
  • Friction: In this technique, the massage therapist applies small, circular, focused pressure to specific points on the body.

Massage therapists use their hands, forearms, and even elbows to work through various groups of muscles.

Therapeutic massage can help reduce muscle tension, which is why it may help relieve some symptoms that are associated with stress and anxiety.

Massage therapy can help the body relax, which in turn can help you let go of anxious and fearful thoughts. Massage can relieve muscle pain and tension, improve circulation, and increase flexibility.

As a relaxation technique, massage therapy can work to help manage the fight-or-flight response, or stress reaction, that is typically overactive among people with anxiety disorders.

Physical Benefits:

  • Less muscle pain and tension
  • Improved circulation and flexibility
  • Lower heart rate

Mental Benefits:

  • Fewer anxious thoughts
  • Tamed fight-or-flight response
  • Lower tension and more feelings of calm

Massage Case Studies

I went to visit a lady who was struggling with severe pain in her upper back and shoulders. She put this down to playing a lot of golf. I noticed her posture wasn’t great.

This lady had developed a lot of muscle knots and tension in her upper back, and she felt her body movements were restricted due to the pain, particularly when playing golf.

I have worked extremely hard to untie and release the muscle knots for this lady over time and she is feeling so much better in herself now since the pain has gone away. She feels her movements are much freer and says her golfing has improved.

This lady is delighted with the outcome and she will have a monthly maintenance session.

I am so happy to have helped this lovely lady to become much looser in her upper body, particularly when swinging her golf clubs, but more importantly, by working together we have released her back and shoulder pain which is fantastic, and she has developed a much better posture.

I am having the pleasure of treating a lovely lady who is completely bed ridden due to heart failure and other co-morbidities.

This lovely lady is really suffering but has the best care possible and fantastic family support. Her daughter contacted me to ask if I could help her mum in anyway to just make her feel relaxed and happier.

I am so lucky to have been chosen to support this amazing lady with therapy to her head, shoulders, arms and hands. She loves the therapy techniques I use on her and literally falls asleep. Her daughters can’t thank me enough and I am now treating her once or twice weekly. My visits lift her mood so much and as I walk away, I leave her happy and smiling.

This lady is amazing considering her circumstances and she has wonderful family support - I always look forward to visiting her and making her feel special.

If you live within the Sheffield, Chesterfield or Dronfield areas and are wondering if relaxation or therapeutic massage could assist you, get in touch now as all consultations are free and warmly encouraged; I very much look forward to hearing from you and showing what a wonderfully effective impact these massages can have. Feel free to fill in the form below and I will get back to you. Alternatively call or text me on +44 7917 762154

45 mins - £50
60 mins - £60