Holistic Massage

Massage has long been used to treat a whole variety of symptoms, ranging from massage for stress and anxiety to massage for aches and pains and everything in between. The knock on effect that can happen from treating just these alone are enormous and can benefit you if you suffer from depression, sleep issues, digestive disorders, migraines or even if you just need to relax and unwind, there is a massage for you. If you are based in Sheffield or Chesterfield get in touch now for a home visit massage.

Several techniques may be carried out during a hand massage to treat a few different conditions, ranging from acute pain, to reduce scarring or even just for relaxation benefits. Swelling in the hand from injury or surgery can also benefit from a hand massage to encourage the healing process in damaged blood vessels.

An arm massage is great for both dealing with a current injury and preventing possible future injury. If you are someone who works out, you will be no stranger to post exercise muscle soreness. By massaging the arm blood flow will be increased providing more oxygen to the muscles and allowing a speedier recovery.

Sometimes all we need is to relax and destress, this is where a relaxation massage is perfect. Any built up tension, anxiety or stress floods away with the added benefit of improved blood circulation. Unlike other forms of massage, relaxation massage is done only on the surface layers of the body, avoiding deep tissue massage.

Through illness or recent medical treatment, our lymphatic system can fail to operate correctly leading to a build-up of lymph in areas of the body. Lymphatic drainage massage aims to clear these blockages and detoxify the affected areas which are most commonly the legs or arms. This isn’t your typical massage as it’s important not to increase the blood circulation during the treatment as this will deposit further lymph and possibly make the condition worse, and so instead a gentle stretching of the skin technique is used with strokes to transport the lymphatic fluid away and get it flowing again.

The idea behind an anti cellulite massage is to break down the fat associated with cellulite. You’ll likely experience some level of discomfort during this massage, however over the course of multiple scheduled treatments you will begin to see a visual improvement in the areas of your body affected by cellulite as the connective tissue begins to repair and tightens your skin, thanks to the fat below it being broken down and redistributed.

 massage being performed in sheffield

Indian Head Massage

This massage which originated in India gained popularity due to being able to prevent headaches and migraines along with tension throughout the head and neck area. It is also able to promote hair growth by increasing blood circulation and so oxygen to the hair follicles which enables healthier hair.

Therapeutic Massage

The purpose of a therapeutic massage is to alleviate an ongoing issue whereby the soft tissue needs to be massaged. This would be suitable for aches and pains or areas of your body where you are currently experiencing tightness. Therapeutic massage is also excellent for increasing your range of motion and helping your flexibility.

 massage being carried out for a client in Chesterfield

Massage Case Studies

I received a call from a lovely lady who had been involved in a road traffic accident along with her partner; both had been severely injured and unfortunately had to undergo emergency trauma surgery.

I am helping this lovely couple overcome their pain, stress and anxiety whilst they are making a slow recovery. They are both having a combination treatment of reflexology and Indian head massage which they are thoroughly enjoying and are both really feeling the benefit of alternative therapy.

As well as looking forward to their weekly therapy sessions, they are able to claim their treatments through their private health scheme which is very well deserved in their case.

I had the pleasure of meeting a lovely older gentleman recently who has been a sports commentator all his working life and is now retired.

This very pleasant gentleman has struggled most of his life with a stiff neck associated with shoulder and upper back ache due to the nature of his previous work. He is now retired spending endless hours reading books and writing.

I am very happy to be able to help free this gentleman’s pain and after each therapy session, he is able to turn his head and neck freely without any discomfort and move his shoulders around more comfortably. He is delighted with my mobile service since he is now unable to visit a clinic due to poor mobility.

This gentleman really looks forward to his fortnightly therapy sessions and his pain and discomfort is clearly improving slowly after each treatment.

I visit a very pleasant lady who rides horses for a living. This lady rides her horses everyday and competes at a high level of show jumping and eventing, which unfortunately leads to a lot of tension throughout her back and shoulders.

When I first met this lady she was struggling to stand upright as she appeared to be carrying a very heavy load, which we agreed was tension.

I am currently visiting this lady every 10 days since she has had a course of intense therapy to initially alleviate all her aches, pains and discomfort in her back.

I am so happy that she appears to be able to relax between her therapy sessions. This lovely lady is currently having maintenance therapy every 10 days which is really helping with any built up tension, and this is making her feel more comfortable on a daily basis. A very positive attitude.

Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting a lovely lady who is ready to deliver her baby boy in 6 weeks time. This lady’s husband bought a block of sessions for her to use before and after giving birth so she can relax, destress and unwind. This is exactly what happened and even the baby stopped kicking and relaxed with mum.

I’m really looking forward to supporting this lady over the coming months with her prenatal and postnatal therapy.

I currently have the pleasure of treating a very anxious gentleman with Parkinson’s disease.

This gentleman was referred to me through a client of mine so I am able to receive the correct history on this gentleman.

This lovely gentleman developed PD in his 40’s and has very good family support, however the disease is quite rapidly deteriorating.

I am able to help this gentleman through specific massage therapy techniques which induces his parasympathetic nervous system and therefore helps him relax and de-stress. I am told he is on the brink of depressive episodes and the idea of visiting him twice weekly is very positive and gives him something to focus on and look forward to.

I am very grateful to have been chosen to provide the support this gentleman needs.

I am currently seeing a client with Alzheimer’s for massage therapy. This particular client has difficulties communicating with her family in a positive manner, but is willing to accept my presence in a very clear and positive way and really loves her massage therapy. Her family comment every time I see her how she is a ‘different person’ and communicates with me in a totally different way.

There are several benefits massage therapy offers people with Alzheimer's disease, including increased body awareness as well as a reduction in the feelings of confusion and anxiety by building reassurance, trust and help calm agitation. I always look forward to seeing this lovely lady. Life can be cruel but with positive vibes and the power of touch, we can always find a way.

I have been treating a lovely lady for several months who is struggling with rheumatoid arthritis. This very positive lady struggles so much with knee pain and stiffness. I spend 30 mins performing lymphatic drain and 30 mins of moderate pressure massage to her knees and legs. The massage has significantly improved the swelling, pain and stiffness in return giving healthy circulation throughout the arthritic joints and improving her quality of life.

I am delighted with this outcome and my client is overwhelmed with the result.

If you live within the Sheffield, Chesterfield or Dronfield areas and are wondering if massage could assist you, get in touch now as all consultations are free and warmly encouraged; I very much look forward to hearing from you and showing what a wonderfully effective impact these holistic massages can have. Feel free to fill in the form below and I will get back to you. Alternatively call or text me on +44 7917 762154

45 mins - £50
60 mins - £60