Sheffield & Chesterfield
Lymphatic Drainage Massage

My name is Lindsay-Jane and I provide a mobile service of manual lymphatic drainage massage to homes throughout Sheffield, Chesterfield and Dronfield. Lymphatic drainage is the treatment of choice to alleviate swelling or enlargement on areas of the body that can be caused by recent medical treatment or sickness which can block your lymphatic system, leading to a buildup of lymph fluid.

A diagram of the lymphatic system, showing the flow of lymph through the body

What is Lymphatic Drainage Massage?

Contrary to being labelled as a massage, the intention of lymphatic drainage is not to increase the blood supply to the treated area, as is done during a massage through a kneading technique; this can actually have the opposite effect and cause further lymph to be produced in the affected area. Instead, manual lymphatic drainage is carried out by gentle stretching of the skin and tissue combined with rhythmic strokes, which in turn stimulates the transport of lymphatic fluid through lymph vessels, while avoiding increasing blood circulation as much as possible during the lymphatic treatment.

What Conditions can Benefit from Lymphatic Drainage?

Fibromyalgia, Lipedema and Rheumatoid arthritis are all conditions which can see improvement through lymphatic drainage massage treatment, although the most common condition I perform lymphatic drainage for throughout the Sheffield and Chesterfield areas is Lymphedema. Lymphedema happens when our tissue begins to retain fluid that gets left behind by our cardiovascular system sending blood through. This lymph fluid under regular circumstances would be returned to your heart, however when this process is disrupted the lymph typically collects most commonly within the arms and legs, although it is also possible for other areas of the body to be affected. It can typically take several sessions to see improvement, but you may also be given aftercare instructions depending on your condition after each lymphatic drainage session which would generally involve light cardio such as walking, cycling or swimming as support therapy.

Lymphatic drainage massage technique being carried out on the leg of a patient

The purpose of our lymphatic system is to encourage the flow of lymph throughout our body, with the waste products carried by it being directed to our organs which are responsible for cleansing the waste from our body naturally. When our lymphatic system is not operating correctly, these toxins can build up and be responsible for a number of potential ailments that can affect our everyday lives. These can include but not be limited to:

  • Swelling in your fingers and tighter ring fittings
  • Skin problems possibly combined with dry and or itchy skin
  • Sinus infections
  • Increased susceptibility to the flu and common colds
  • Excess weight gain
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Digestive problems
  • Onset of depression
  • Feeling of constipation
  • Chronic lethargy (feeling tired and it being out of ordinary)
  • Brain fog
  • Bloat
  • Allergies which could also display as food sesnitivities

I am currently treating a lot of clients, who have undergone surgery, with lymphatic drain massage therapy. The surgeries vary but there is a sudden surge in cosmetic/plastic surgery, especially performed out of the UK.

It is extremely important that lymphatic drain is carried out post surgery to ensure your lymph fluid is draining successfully. Most surgeons will recommend this to be done almost immediately after surgery. Some surgeons abroad will not allow their patients to return home until they have evidence that lymphatic drain has been arranged for their return.

The lymphatic system collects excess fluid that drains from cells and tissue throughout the body and returns it to the bloodstream, which is then recirculated through the body. It is therefore important that your lymphatic system is properly functioning to avoid a build up of toxins within the lymphatic fluid which can otherwise become stagnant causing lots of complications.

Lymphatic drain can also be carried out as a routine maintenance for our general well-being.

Lymphatic Drainage Case Studies

I have been working with a client with a history of lymphoedema in her arm whose swelling has been so great that she has been unable to wear her watch and wedding ring for a very long time.

I have been performing lymphatic drainage massage for only a few weeks’ on this lady and we are delighted to say that she can now wear her watch and wedding ring again. This is amazing, and I am so happy to have helped achieve this result in a relatively short period of time.

I have been treating a lady over a few months for lymphatic drain massage around her abdomen and inner thighs. This lovely lady has been to see a Plastic Surgeon with a view to having a tummy tuck. The lady isn’t necessarily overweight and is concerned about making the most of herself and looking good.

This lady is booked in for a tummy tuck in May 2023, however her Plastic Surgeon has sent this lady to me for lymphatic drainage, in the hope that she will not need a tummy tuck if we can drain the fluid over the coming months and keep the fluid flowing.

In just a few sessions the lymph fluid is slowly flowing through and hopefully we can save this lady about £8,000 which is the cost of a tummy tuck.

This is a very interesting case with much support from her Plastic Surgeon who is quite reluctant to operate in her case, and I am privileged to have been nominated to be involved in this lady’s wellbeing.

Today I had pleasure of meeting a lovely young lady with a diagnosis of breast cancer and who is currently undergoing chemotherapy + radiotherapy.

This lovely young lady is really suffering but has a very positive outlook with enormous support from her husband, young children and family.

It is important to know when diagnosed with cancer that MLD is very safe by using a light pumping action that can help with many of the temporary side effects of chemotherapy and radiation by lowering anxiety and pain, improving energy, and decreasing nausea, overall giving a very positive outlook.

This lady enjoyed her MLD today and it was a pleasure supporting her. She told me her outlook is very bright and all the support she is receiving is overwhelming.

I am delighted to be able to help this lady throughout her journey of treatment. It is important to note that MLD can be carried out at any stage of cancer treatment, but should only be carried out by a trained MLD therapist, as some cases can be very tricky.

I have had the pleasure of helping a young lady over the last few months who underwent plastic surgery. The treatment I provided for her was recommended by her Plastic Surgeon and that was lymphatic drainage massage therapy; this type of treatment was recommended as part of her recovery process to help drain the lymph nodes of fluid, toxins and waste products therefore also helping to discourage infection.

The lady is delighted with her surgery and overall results. She was particularly grateful with my mobile service because of the discomfort and pain she initially went through and obviously, she was unable to drive.

It has been a pleasure helping this young lady and without doubt, she is a very happy and satisfied client. I wish this lady well.

I have had the pleasure of treating a lovely couple who are both suffering with long covid. The symptoms are variable in both of them, but the main symptoms are tiredness, fatigue, lack of energy, lack of interest in day to day activities and poor sleep.

Lymphatic drainage massage was recommended by their consultant at the Long Covid Clinic.

We had a good discussion and they were able to ‘get things off their chest’ and after their therapy, they both felt ‘100 times better’ and commented on how relaxed they both felt after the treatment as opposed to being stressed with no hope.

It has been a long journey for them, but we are confident things will start to improve and hopefully they will be able to live a normal life again. It’ll take time, but we will get there.

If you live within the Sheffield, Chesterfield or Dronfield areas and are wondering if lymphatic drainage massage could assist you, get in touch now as all consultations are free and warmly encouraged; I very much look forward to hearing from you and showing what a wonderfully effective impact this lymphatic treatment can have. Feel free to contact me on the form below and I will get back to you. Alternatively call or text me on +44 7917 762154

45 mins - £55
60 mins - £65