Indian head massage

indian head massage being performed in chesterfield

What is Indian Head Massage?

Indian head massage, as the name indicates, originated from India and is a beautifully traditional practice that is now immensely popular amongst Western cultures. This is due to its simplicity and portability that allows it to be utilised anywhere and everywhere, making relaxation and holistic wellness more accessible for everyone. I carry out mobile Indian head massage services to the areas Sheffield, Dronfield and Chesterfield.

What to expect with a Mobile Indian Head Massage in Sheffield, Dronfield and Chesterfield

A typical Indian head massage treatment, usually starts with the shoulders, working into this area especially as it often holds a lot of tension. The upper back may also be massaged working around the shoulder blade. Following this, flowing motions will move up the neck massaging and stretching to relieve any stress and tension. Finally, the scalp is then massaged along the acupressure points on the head, followed by the forehead and the area around the eyes. The upper back and arms can also be massaged depending on the techniques being used.

Indian Head Massage may be coupled with oils, which condition the hair and promote growth and healthy skin.

Conversely, in a mobile or corporate setting, the massage is usually done without oils to make it more accessible. The massage will still have naturally conditioning effects however, as the techniques used will loosen the hair follicles which increases natural hair oil.

indian head massage being performed in dronfield

The Indian head massage is an ancient therapeutic practice used in India for over 2,000 years, (since around 600 B.C). It is part of the practice of medicine called Ayurveda, which aims to promote long life and balance the body’s energies.

  • Indian head massage is excellent for treating your hair follicles and stimulating hair growth through delivering oxygen to the follicles. In stretching the cells with massage and increasing the blood circulation research has shown that this treatment may result in thicker hair growing as a result along with an overall healthier head of hair.
  • Through applying pressure on the shoulders and upper back, tension will be released through your head and neck giving you migraine and headache relief if you are a sufferer. This is possible via the encouragement of cerebral fluid which reduces blockages causing headaches.
  • Renews and balances energy levels by working with the three higher chakras
  • Relieves symptoms of depression and anxiety through relaxation
  • Indian head massage releases tension and alleviates your stress through relaxation. This has a knock on effect at helping to repeal any depression or feelings of anxiety, with indian head massage often being a go-to treatment during stressful periods of people's lives which I have experienced first hand in treating patients throughout the Sheffield and Chesterfield areas.
  • Our lymphatic system transports lymph around our body, however this process can sometimes be disrupted which leads to lymphatic drainage massage being required to restore your system back to working order. Indian head massage has a positive effect on our lymphatic network by promoting circulation and stimulating the drainage of lymph back to the heart, removing waste products in the process.
  • It’s far too easy to assume our memory difficulties are a result of ageing, many times this isn’t the case. We all have so many things on our minds at any one time that both small and important things are forgotten about on a daily basis due to an overload of thoughts. With a treatment of Indian head massage you will instantly feel more calm and able to take on not only the day but the week ahead. Your memory will be improved with some of the stresses that regularly plague you being able to dissipate, thus making room for cleaner, healthier thinking.
  • As a side effect of Indian head massage is deep relaxation, this translates into promotion of a better sleep cycle that tackles any insomnia you may be suffering from. The increase in quality sleep will leave you waking up both refreshed and much more alert, making both bedtime and the morning something you can look forward to again.
  • Improves circulation of cerebral spinal fluid
  • Thanks to a potentially improved sleep schedule and overall relaxation as a result of Indian head massage, your energy levels will naturally be increased. I work with a client within the Dronfield area who is left feeling stressed and deflated from looking after her grandchildren every few weeks. After our treatment together the following day, she notices a huge improvement in the amount of energy she has in the following days compared to going without a head massage.
  • Soothes the sinuses - as well as being great for headaches, Indian head massage is a great way to reduce sinus trouble for when you have a cold and to put a stop to sinus pain, massage of the pressure points along your cheekbones will help
  • Refreshes tired eyes - we all spend too much time staring at screens nowadays, and Indian head massage is one way to ease eye strain. Massaging around the eye and into the temples loosens the muscles around your eye sockets and can help them feel rejuvenated and refreshed

Indian Head Massage Case Studies

I received a call from a lady who told me that she looks after her 3 grandchildren (all under the age of 9) every 3 weekends, and by the time the grandchildren leave on Sunday evening, she is totally exhausted and completely drained.

This lady wanted to try an Indian head massage in the hope that this will help release all the tension in her head, neck and shoulders.

During the first therapy session this lady’s stress and anxiety just managed to ‘float away’ as she says and she felt completely back to her normal self and ready to tackle the week ahead with a positive enthusiastic mind.

This lady looks forward to an early Monday morning therapy session after an exhausting weekend with her grandchildren, this really does helps clear all the built up anxiety and tension and she is ready to start the week feeling refreshed and relaxed.

I am really happy to be able to help this lady be herself again after each therapy session.

If you live within the Sheffield, Chesterfield or Dronfield areas and are wondering if Indian head massage could assist you, get in touch now as all consultations are free and warmly encouraged; I very much look forward to hearing from you and showing what an amazing impact indian head massage can have. Feel free to fill in the form below and I will get back to you. Alternatively call or text me on +44 7917 762154

45 mins - £50
60 mins - £60