Hopi Ear Candle

the hopi ear candle treatment being performed in chesterfield

What is Hopi Ear Candling?

The hopi ear candle treatment involves the use of a hollow tube, otherwise known as the candle. This candle is made up of cotton which has been soaked in honey and herbs and is then gently placed inside the ear canal. The top is then lit, and as the candle burns through, any wax or liquid within your ear will be pulled up as a result of the heat causing a vacuum effect with the colder air . Hopi Ear Candling is completely pain and discomfort free, with the only sensation being a possible crackling sound during the treatment.

Once the candle has burned low enough, it is removed, after which we may then unravel the remaining piece to see the results it has had on your ear as far as removing excess wax and impurities, resulting in a clearer inner ear and sinuses. Another reason to have hopi ear candling is for the pure relaxation and therapeutic benefits which have long been used to relieve stress and leave you feeling reinvigorated.

Is Hopi Ear Candling Safe?

Providing hopi ear candling is carried out by a professional therapist, the treatment is perfectly safe. Performing candling incorrectly can in theory lead to burns from the candle, however with every precaution taken to prevent this from happening you do not have to worry, with hopi ear candling actually being considered a highly relaxing therapy. It is also worth considering that non-holistic methods for treating the ear can be painful and uncomfortable, such as syringing of the ear. If you are interested in a hopi ear candle treatment I offer mobile therapy within the Sheffield, Chesterfield and Dronfield areas.

hopi ear candling being carried out in sheffield

A Hopi Ear Candle treatment, also known as thermal auricular therapy, can be enjoyed purely for relaxation purposes, but the process is believed to be helpful for many problems and conditions as listed below, by reducing inflammation in the ears and sinuses.

  • Sinusitis
  • Tinnitus
  • Hay fever
  • Catarrh
  • Headaches
  • Irritability and stress
  • May help loosen excessive ear wax
  • Ear pressure due to flying
  • Vertigo

The ear candling treatment is followed by a massage of the outer ear and lymphatic drainage massage of the face which complements the effects of the ear candling by helping to release blockages in the sinuses and ears.

The ear candles I use are 100% organic which means there is no harmful smoke or excess ash when burning; they are coated in natural beeswax and have a double layer wax filter to give you twice as much protection against the candle wax accidently getting into your ears.

The treatment takes approximately 45 minutes and costs £45.

This Indonesian inspired treatment is an ancient therapy within the traditional Malay medicine; combining massage with herbs which complement naval candling and release the body of negative energy.

The revolutionary digestive detox combines invigorating colon massage with rejuvenating navel candling in order to stimulate the lymphatic system, removes blockages, improves menstrual cramps and decongest the body of any impurities.(Includes stomach massage and exfoliation as well).

It releases muscular armoring in the trunk and enhances circulation of blood and lymphatic fluids, along with releasing deep muscle tissue spasms in the entire abdominal area.

£45 for 45 mins
£60 for 60 mins

It’s strongly believed that hopi ear candling originated in Ancient Greece where it was instead known as “coning” due to the candle essentially being a hollow cone. Pottery clay was used to create the cone shapes, with a double helix being carved inside the candle to allow for the heated air to spiral downwards into the ear, which also carried down the burning herbs which would then draw out the impurities. Just like in the modern day, the recipe for a candle used in hopi ear candling back in Ancient Greece was cotton, honey, beeswax and herbs, with this being so effective that the treatment was further recorded in other ancient civilisations including with the Mayans, Egyptians and Chinese.

Candling Case Studies

I received a call from a lady who was having problems with sinusitis, tightness around the bridge of her nose and ringing in her ears (tinnitus). This lady wanted to try Hopi Ear Candling after researching the benefits, but felt very nervous about the idea.

I went ahead and performed the candling and the lady remained calm and very relaxed whilst enjoying her treatment.

I removed quite a lot of debris from her ears and during the following day, the lady said she had a slight runny nose but after it had stopped, she felt her hearing had improved, the ringing in her ears had stopped and the pain around her nasal passage including the sinusitis had disappeared.

The lady was so happy with the result that she has decided to book the candling each month as a maintenance treatment.

I am delighted to have helped this lady with her problems in just her first session.

I received a call from a gentleman who was looking for a mobile therapist to perform naval candling on his wife; this was due to her having tummy cramps.

I went to visit this lovely lady who has a history of ME, chronic menstrual pain and a diagnosis of IBS.

This lady felt the naval candling had done her ‘a world of good’. She said just the warmth of the candling was ‘exhilarating’ and combined with an abdominal massage, she said the pain and discomfort from her IBS had never felt better.

I am so pleased with the outcome for this lady and I shall look forward to seeing her again soon.

I received a call from a lady who is having issues with ‘deafness’ as she says. She told me that she is sensitive around her ears but has had a hearing test and there is no loss of hearing.

She wanted to try Hopi Ear Candling as recommended by her friend with tinnitus.

This pleasant lady says she is very happy with the results after just 1 session. She felt very comfortable and relaxed and after her treatment she was confident that her hearing seemed clearer. She felt the candling was warm and soothing.

The outcome is a very satisfied client who has now booked her mother in for a session due to having similar symptoms.

If you live within the Sheffield, Chesterfield or Dronfield areas and are wondering if Hopi Ear Candling could assist you, get in touch now as all consultations are free and warmly encouraged; I very much look forward to hearing from you and showing what an amazing impact Hopi Ear Candling can have. Feel free to fill in the form below and I will get back to you. Alternatively call or text me on +44 7917 762154

45 mins - £50
60 mins - £60